Introduction To Beekeeping
Saturday, January 18th at 3:00 pm
Our speaker: Brandon Hertel
Brandon Hertel is a seven-year hobbyist beekeeper who has transitioned into a sideliner beekeeper. Brandon is currently overwintering just over 50 hives and focuses his efforts on nucleus colony production. Initially, Brandon managed bees for honey production but quickly found nuc production more in line with his goals and interests. Brandon feels his strong point is winter survival of his hives. With well over a 90% survival rate of his overwintered hives over all 7 years, he feels he has mastered overwintering success. Brandon’s presentation will focus on beginner beekeeping and a path to successfully overwintering your bees. His talk will be very helpful for those who have yet to start beekeeping as well as a novice beekeeper with a year or two of experience.

Please Call or stop by the store to reserve your seat.
517 499 0439
6800 Brooklyn Rd
Napoleon, Mi 49261