March News Letter


Hey Beekeeper’s,

March came in like a lion and with any LUCK, it goes out like a lamb.

March is the most difficult time of the year for bee survival. Now is the time to check your hives.
Make sure that the entrance is not blocked. Check for food reserves and feed your colony if low on capped honey. Check for eggs/queen, reverse hive bodies and do your first comprehensive inspection of the season, weather permitting. Check for capped brood and brood pattern, and feed a pollen substitute.

Hopefully you have prepared your Bees for the winter and left enough honey for them to survive. If you have lost your Bees don’t worry! It is time to Order your Bees! We will be taking orders until May 1st. Bee Day is Saturday May 13th from 8 AM until 5 PM. We are looking forward to seeing you again this year if we haven’t already.

We had great response for our Bee-ginner Beekeeping classes and are looking forward to seeing all of you that have signed up for this Saturday, March 18th classes. The classes are currently full.

Don’t forget that Master Beekeeper Mel Disselkoen’s class is at 1pm prompt. We are collecting a small fee of $10 cash at the door. All proceeds go to the speaker!

Followed by Beginner’s Class with YouTube’s “BeeFit Beekeeper” Emily Pedzinski! The class is FREE and starts at 3PM. This class is full as well, but if you were not able to attend her first class, she will be giving another class Saturday, April 15th at 3PM. Don’t delay! Call to reserve your seat as class fills up quick.
This season is coming upon us fast, so Bee prepared with enough hive bodies, swarm boxes, frames and supplies.

Napoleon Bee Supply has everything needed to start the season. Check out the website  to order your 3lb packages, Marked Queens for packages, Nucs, Extra Marked and Unmarked Queens, and all your Bee essentials. All Bees are pick up only!

We hope you are as excited for this Bee season as we are!
Happ-Bee St..Paddy’s Day! Bee Safe and Bee Happy!
See you soon,

Tim & Michelle

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