Master Beekeeper Mel Disselkoen

The Art of Beekeeping at Napoleon Bee Supply Self-Sufficient Beekeeping Strategies For Novice and Expert Alike On-The-Spot Queen Notching Method Biological Mite Control Generate Private Stock Honey Production Pollination Saturday, […]

Beginner Beekeeping classes start Saturday, January 20th at 3pm Welcoming Advanced Beekeepers, Kim and John Haynes Educators from the Dahlem Center, who teach sustainable beekeeping practices and techniques such as: Beekeeping […]

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays Beekeepers, Now is the time to gather with Family and Friends and Bee Merry! It is also the time for our Bees to gather around their Queen in […]

Beehive Maintenance with Emily from BeeFit Beekeeping

Please join us for a fun evening with Emily Pedzinski from YouTube-BeeFit Beekeeping. Beehive Maintenance: Dialogue on Honeybee Starvation, Varroa Mites, and Moisture Control Saturday, November 18th at 3PM Stop […]

Beehive Maintenance with Emily from BeeFit Beekeeping

Please join us for a fun evening with Emily Pedzinski from YouTube-BeeFit Beekeeping. Beehive Maintenance: Dialogue on Honeybee Starvation, Varroa Mites, and Moisture Control Saturday, September 30th at 3PM Stop […]

May Bee Day!

Hey Beekeepers, May is one of the most exciting times of the season for beekeeping. Now is the time to assess your bee’s health and strength. Your mite treatments should […]

April Showers Bring Flowers

Spring has Sprung and April showers bring Flowers to Napoleon Bee Supply! We are very excited to announce that we will have Bee-utiful Annual and Perennial flowers available for sale […]

March News Letter

  Hey Beekeeper’s, March came in like a lion and with any LUCK, it goes out like a lamb. March is the most difficult time of the year for bee […]